I am a computer
engineering student
My Skills : HTML / CSS / Bootstrap / Python / Javascript / C / C++ / C# / PHP / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe interstellar / Adobe XD / Microsoft Office Word / Microsoft Excel / Powerpoint / Efficiency on Internet Browsing & E-mail .
To be the front runner in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) education and to foster the students into globally competent and professionals with expertise in software development and aptitude for research and ethical values .
MY Mission
The department of Computer Science and Engineering is also the committed to Provide the ambience to become industry ready to Professionals, Researchers and Entrepreneurs by offering courses on cutting edge technology .
MY Motto
Always keep learning. In some parts of software engineering, there are new techniques and new languages happening all the time. My area doesn’t change like that so much, but there’s still new devices, new technologies and you cannot let your skills get stagnant .
The Nature
Tumblr Template

My Gallery
" Know Something Extraordinary About MMIK "
What is MMIK Personal Website ?
Welcome Friends To My Parsonal Website I am Introduce MMIK MMIK full meaning is MD Majidul Islam Khan and My name is Md Majidul islam Khan . This is my Personal website. I was born in Dhaka and grown up in Dhaka . I have completed my S S C in science form BKSP public school and college . There are 5 members in my Family . I am the biggest in my family . Except my father and mother . I have two little broader . My Hobby is gardening . I like to read Novels . I like to travel . I feel good to talk to people . I like socializing . I like to make new friends . I like to share my feelings only close friends . I can change myself based on the situation . And finally at present i am a computer science and engineering (CSE) student dear bro/sis.
What Skills Dose MMIK Have ?
Md Majidul Islam Khan is a web daveloper . He is a proffesonal web designer and developer. As you need a proffesonal web developer. So you can contact with him . He is a computer science and engineering (CSE) student . His Skills : HTML / CSS / Bootstrap / Python / Javascript / C / C++ / C# / PHP / Adobe Photoshop / Adobe interstellar / Adobe XD / Microsoft Office Word / Microsoft Excel / Powerpoint / Efficiency on Internet Browsing & E-mail .
Do You Want To Know More Information About MMIK ?
>>> Know more Information about MMIK then contact this number : +88017770-00000
If you can't reach this number then contact this email :